Skin Care Night Routine: 7 Things You Need To Do Every Night To Look Younger And Beautiful
Every woman’s dream is to have a flawless skin. As we grow older, our skin also ages but there are things you can do to slow the aging process and that is to take proper care of your skin.
One of the secrets to achieving the glowing skin and face you have always desired is to follow a skin care night routine religiously.
Scientists have proved that the skin repairs itself during the night from the stress of the day because the skin is constantly exposed to harmful sun rays, pollution, dirt and grime. So it is vital to give your skin equal care before you go to bed so that it looks rejuvenated and invigorated the next morning.
Aside following a healthy lifestyle and eating a balanced diet, you also need to add a basic beauty routine to look after your skin especially at night.
Below are 7 steps you need to take at night to get that glowing skin you have always desired.
Wash off the makeup off!
One rule you need to always remember if you desire a glowing skin is: never sleep with your makeup on. Washing off the makeup you carried all day is one step that you just can’t afford to miss. To achieve this, use cleansing water or you can use specific makeup remover designed especially for this task.
Use a cleanser for your skin type
After washing off the makeup off your face, follow it up with a water based cleanser that is suitable for your skin type. This is very important as this process will further help to cleanse your skin of all the dirt and grime it has collected over the day.
Make sure you apply a toner
It is equally important that you apply a toner after cleansing your face. Just take a few drops and apply it all over your face generously. Toning is a crucial skin care routine that helps open up your pores and give your face a shiny look. So make sure you apply your toner before you sleep at night.
Use a skin serum
As part of your night skin care routine, apply a serum rich with Vitamin C as this helps to keeps your face safe from pollution and sun when you wake up to go about your daily duties. They give your skin an instant lift better than most lotions.
Apply eye cream
Your eye takes a lot of stress all day from constantly looking at phones, laptops and even lack of sleep; it is important you take special care of it. Applying eye cream will keep your eyes calm and allow them to rest. It also gets those dark circles and fine lines under the eyes removed.
The important task of getting a younger and flawless skin is to always mosturise your skin. Apply moisturising night cream at night to get your skin glowing and shining in the morning.
Good night sleep

Even though you follow all these routine to the letter at night and don’t get a good night sleep, it will affect the whole process. So it is important you make sure you get your beauty sleep every night. That way you wake up in the morning looking radiant and with a glowing skin.
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