7 Simple Tips That Can Help Prevent Acne Breakouts To Get A Smooth Face
Acne is a common skin problem that can result in several types of skin discolorations such as pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. This causes a lot of psychological problems as he or she will be feeling self-conscious because of the roughness of the face. You have less self-confidence and this can affect your social life or even your productivity at work.
Good news is that there are many ways to prevent acne from occurring and I will be showing you 7 ways to do this.
Wash your face
To keep acne off, it is important you wash your face twice a day with an over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide face wash. This reduces inflammation and kills bacteria associated with acne formation. Make sure to remove all makeup and dirt before going to bed so it doesn’t build up and clog your pores.
Don’t scrub your face
Always use your hands to clean your face and pat your skin dry with a clean towel instead of rubbing it dry. When you scrub your face, it can actually promote more acne occurring.
Don’t pop or pick at pimples
We naturally want to touch our face and this goes with the temptation to squeeze a pimple, but these usually results in getting dark spots and face scarring; so resist the temptation to pop a ripe pimple on your face.
Wash your pillowcases regularly
Washing what touches your acne-prone skin can prevent help prevent pimples on your face. This is because dead skin cells, bacteria and dirt will buildup on these surfaces, which can block your skin pores.
Apply topical treatment
To reduce the appearance of skin discolorations and pimples, use a topical treatment instead. They may take time to work but they can also prevent new pimples from forming on your face. Look for products that contain ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or lactic acid, which control breakout.
Stay Safe in the Sun by using sunscreen
The importance of wearing a sunscreen cannot be overemphasized because something as simple as wearing sunblock could make a huge difference in the occurrence and severity of your breakouts and also help protecting your skin health in general.
Stop using dirty makeup brushes
Dirty makeup brushes transfer bacteria to your skin and cause breakouts. It’s very important to clean them regularly. Brushes you use more often, however, should be washed weekly